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Sunday, August 26, 2012

...And some have greatness thrust upon them

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” –William Shakespeare

How true this quote is! And it cannot be truer than in the case of the children of our beloved political leaders.

Right from a very young age, they have their career path clearly defined, with success guaranteed!

What I have found most interesting is that such greatness is thrust upon them not only by the parents themselves, but by the assortment of so-called uncles, aunts and other sycophants who have made fawning into a fine art form.

It is amazing how people who come up with some good ideas and thoughts are so happy to easily pass on the credit to novices who

And hence we have cases where an unknown college student is suddenly the visionary of a political sena, a foreign-returned environmental engineer is the driving force behind his party’s recent victories (never mind the work done by his father and other associates for the past two decades) and becomes the youngest Chief Minister in India, a pilot without any political experience becomes India’s Prime Minister and his son – who has nothing to show either - is the next big hope.

To be honest, people earlier than me have also raised this point, and they have been shut up with the usual counter-argument, “A doctor’s son becomes a doctor, an actor’s son becomes an actor, so what is wrong with a politician’s son becoming a politician?”

True, a lot of people follow their parent’s professions. But they take a long time and expend every effort to reach a level. It is not given to them on a platter as soon as they enter their chosen field. Kumar Gaurav was the son of Jubilee Kumar and yet he fell by the wayside, Abhishek Bachchan has still not become the hottest star, despite being the son of The Big B, Surinder Amarnath and Rohan Gavaskar could not sustain despite being the children of legends. Even in business, Tanya Dubash started off as a Brand Manager in her father’s company, and took nearly 15 years to grow up the ladder. Not to mention that she has all the right academic credentials too.

Fact of the matter is – in any other profession, parental association can give you a head start, but it is only your own work that will take you to success. No amount of parental support or sycophancy will work beyond a point, if you are not good enough.

The only exception – and I challenge anyone to correct me on this – is politics, where all you need is the right genes to become an overnight leader.

P.S. This thought was going through my mind for a few weeks, but the immediate stimulus for this post was a banner wishing a politician on his birthday that I saw last week, which had the photograph of his 12 year old son - complete with his school uniform - showcasing the child as the new great white hope!